An initiative of the Landcare Goulburn Mulwaree Grazing and Farming Group
(a part of Community Voice For Hume)
(a part of Community Voice For Hume)
Sustainable Farming Conference and Expo Over Two Days In Goulburn As Below On 15th-16th September. Conference Face To Face and Online. All Events Can Be Booked Separately
Thursday 15 September 2022
Farm Field Trip run in conjunction with ANU Sustainable Farms
Spots to farm trip are limited and, optional, transport is provided (meet outside Soldiers Club at 12.30pm, departs 12.45pm sharp and returns by 5.15pm).
Jenny Bell and Husband Rod Edward's Regenerative Farm at 943 Breadalbane Road.
The agenda can be found below:-
Thursday 15 September 2022
Farm Field Trip run in conjunction with ANU Sustainable Farms
Spots to farm trip are limited and, optional, transport is provided (meet outside Soldiers Club at 12.30pm, departs 12.45pm sharp and returns by 5.15pm).
Jenny Bell and Husband Rod Edward's Regenerative Farm at 943 Breadalbane Road.
The agenda can be found below:-
Community Dinner:
To Be Rescheduled
Friday 16 September 2022
Conference and Expo
Expo open tea and coffee 9.00am
Conference sessions running 9.00am - 4.30pm
Post Conference Drinks 4.30-5.30pm
Soldiers Club,15-17 Market St, Goulburn (Parking behind Club off Sloane Street)
Accommodation Options
Please contact the hotels directly, but best to be quick!
To Be Rescheduled
Friday 16 September 2022
Conference and Expo
Expo open tea and coffee 9.00am
Conference sessions running 9.00am - 4.30pm
Post Conference Drinks 4.30-5.30pm
Soldiers Club,15-17 Market St, Goulburn (Parking behind Club off Sloane Street)
Accommodation Options
Please contact the hotels directly, but best to be quick!
Most Farmers have the aim of leaving their farm in a better state than when they took over its "Custodianship". Recent extreme weather events, COVID and the war in Ukraine have underlined the considerable urgency of this task. At the same time, the rising cost of fertilisers and other chemical inputs is a threat to farm profitability and to food security.
This conference is about strategies to take your farm on a sustainable and profitable path.
The expo will enable farmers to talk to leaders in the field of landscape sustainability and productivity, plus support groups such as Landcare, Local Land Services, NSW Farmers and to network with very experienced sustainable farmers and those at various stages of their journey. Whilst each farm is different we know that adopting the principals and practices of sustainability and regeneration is a good places to start.
The conference and associated expo, farm visit and events are the initiative of Landcare Goulburn Mulwaree, which is a not for profit organisation. Any conference surplus will be used to progress the cause of sustainable farming and community support.
NB our thanks to CCL (Citizens Climate Lobby) for their role in the delivery of the online streaming and recording of the conference.
This conference is about strategies to take your farm on a sustainable and profitable path.
The expo will enable farmers to talk to leaders in the field of landscape sustainability and productivity, plus support groups such as Landcare, Local Land Services, NSW Farmers and to network with very experienced sustainable farmers and those at various stages of their journey. Whilst each farm is different we know that adopting the principals and practices of sustainability and regeneration is a good places to start.
The conference and associated expo, farm visit and events are the initiative of Landcare Goulburn Mulwaree, which is a not for profit organisation. Any conference surplus will be used to progress the cause of sustainable farming and community support.
NB our thanks to CCL (Citizens Climate Lobby) for their role in the delivery of the online streaming and recording of the conference.
Time |
Sessions: Friday 16 September 2022 |
9:00 - 9:10 |
Acknowledgement of Country |
9:10 - 9:20 |
Welcome by the Hon. Wendy Tuckerman, MP and Minister for Local Government |
9:20 - 9:40 |
Keynote: Food Security – Walter Jehne |
9:40 - 10:00 |
Transforming Our Land and Our Lives – Jenny Bell, Farmer and Artist |
10:00 - 10:20 |
A Comprehensive Approach to Ecological Sustainability - Dr Di Dibley Convenor of ZeroSE |
10:20- 10:40 |
Enhancing Farm Dams for Biodiversity and Productivity – Dan Florance, Ecologist, ANU Sustainable Farms Project |
10:40 - 11:00 |
A Regenerative Journey - Adam Rabjohns, Farmer |
11:00 - 11:30 |
Tea and Coffee |
11:30 - 11:50 |
Rehydrating Australia - Nolani McColl - Landscape Planner and Science Administrator, Farmer, at The Mulloon Institute |
11:50 - 12:10 |
Verifying ecosystem health for farm productivity and satisfying market demand - Tony Hill - CEO Land to Market, farmer |
12:10 - 12:30 |
Soil Improvement Project/Farmer Regen Transition Program - Craig Hunt, Farmer Landcare Goulburn Mulwaree - Hannah McInerney, Agronomist and Project Officer, |
12:30 - 12:50 |
Climate opportunities for farmers in South-East NSW - Peter Holding, Farmer and Community Outreach Officer at Farmers For Climate Action |
12:50 - 1:50 |
Lunch |
1:50 - 2:10 |
Wondrous Wetlands – A Drought Resilience Strategy - Julia McKay - Dairy Farmer, Research Catalyst, Environmental Policy Specialist |
2:10 - 2:30 |
Riverine Restoration - Lori Gould - Australian River Restoration Centre |
2:30 - 2:50 |
Managing Your Mental Health - A Case Study - Dr Robert Favaloro - Farmer and Retired GP |
2:50 - 3:20 |
Tea and Coffee |
3:20 - 3:40 |
Helping Farmers on the ground - Local Land Services SE NSW |
3:40 - 4:00 |
Large Scale Carbon Sequestration in SE NSW - Prof Justin Borevitz of the ANU's Institute for Climate, Energy and Disaster Solutions |
4:00 - 4:30 |
Expert Panel Session |
Thank you to our speakers
9:20 - 9:40 Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security
Walter Jehne Internationally recognised soil micro-biologist, plant ecologist and innovative strategist Walter has worked in Australia and overseas, and retired from the CSIRO some 15 years ago to concentrate on regenerating Australia's landscape and improving its agricultural and pastoral sectors.
Walter is an advocate of the need to restore the water cycles and sees carbon as a resource that we need to use to rebuild the soil and water in order to cool the planet. Walter articulated the concept of the soil carbon sponge. Walter is a proponent of farmers looking to develop new markets for their (healthy) products. |
9:40 - 10:00 Opening the Door to Change
When my husband Rod Edwards and I joined the local Landcare group thirty years ago to plant some trees along a fence line we didn’t realise we were opening the door to a new relationship with our country. This talk will describe something of that ongoing transformation of our land and our lives as we have deepened our understanding of nature’s cycles and our role within it.
Jenny Bell
Landcarer, artist and partner in the farm with Husband Rod Edwards Jenny Bell was born into a local farming family and after a decade away to study and work as an artist, returned and married Rod Edwards, a local farmer. At the time, although she had a lifelong love of stock work and being in nature she had no conscious desire to be a farmer herself but found that her work as an artist and their life and work together on the farm ignited her curiosity about how we interact and manage our land and together with Rod and the family they adopted regenerative practices enriching their environment and their lives within it.
3:40 - 4:00 Large Scale Carbon Sequestration Across SE NSW Agriculture and ecosystems are tipping toward collapse due to land use and climate extremes. Irreversible feedbacks in the land system can lock in food insecurity, biodiversity loss and a hot house world. However regenerating agro-ecosystems is possible and can be profitable. In this talk, Prof Justin Borevitz will introduce the components of precision landscape regeneration, linking genotype, phenotype and environment, and the outsized role Australia can have in the world. The solutions are to both increase carbon capture via photosynthesis of grasses and trees and to reduce emissions from plant stress (autotrophic respiration) and soils (heterotrophic respiration). Smart farming practices including regenerative agriculture and ecosystem restoration can rebuild agro-ecosystems. This includes methods for boosting soil carbon with microbes and management. Integrating and scaling these land based solutions. See Justin Borevitz
Professor Research School of Biology College of Science Justin Borevitz obtained his PhD in 2002 from the University of California at San Diego with Joanne Chory dissecting the genetic basis of adaptive traits and environmental response in model plants. He performed postdoctoral research with Joseph Ecker (2002-2004) at the Salk Institute mapping plant functional genomic diversity. From 2004 until 2011 he was an assistant and associate professor in the Department of Ecology and Evolution at the University of Chicago. In 2012, Borevitz moved to ANU and became Professor in 2014. His current work within the Centre of Excellence in Plant Energy Biology is using Landscape Genomics to select the gene variants underlying adaptation to shifting climates and soils for restoration of global crops and woodlands. |
10:00 - 10:20 A comprehensive approach to ecological sustainability
Dr Di Dibley
Environmental lawyer with a career in environmental policy and advocacy Di Dibley is an environmental lawyer with a career in environmental policy and advocacy. She has a doctorate from the Fenner School at the ANU. Work history includes:
· Co-Convenor ZeroSE (Eco-System Restoration) · National Policy Director Environment and Energy, The Australian Industry Group · National Policy Director, Greening Australia · Director ACF Sustainable Industries Office · Lecturer in Constitutional Law University of Canberra |
2:30 - 2:50 Managing your mental health - A case study
Recognising and understanding mental health issues. Mental health problems can affect us all. We are learning to recognise them early and the steps to take for better mental health. Some ‘Rules of Life’ that may help are discussed.
Dr Robert Favaloro
Farmer and retired GP Dr Robert Favaloro was a GP for 45 years in southern Sydney. He spent the latter years involved in more mental health support. Robert and his wife came to Goulburn 18 years ago. They commuted weekly back to Sydney but the part of their time out of Goulburn gradually reduced. They became serious farmers during the drought and have been here full time for five years.
10:20 - 10:40 Benefits to water quality and animal health from fencing off your farm dams
Farm dams provide essential water sources for stock, and their potential for biodiversity and wildlife conservation is increasingly recognised.
To date, there has been minimal research on the production benefits of clean drinking water for livestock, or the impacts of different management practices on improving dams in ways that can benefit both livestock and biodiversity. Under the Farm Dams project, Sustainable Farms has been monitoring 125 farm dams across NSW and Victoria to investigate the potential of grazing control (such as through fencing) and revegetation to improve biodiversity, at the same time as improving water quality. Dan Florance
Ecologist, ANU Sustainable Farms Project Dan is a Research and Extension Officer with The Australian National University’s Sustainable Farms project. He is a field-based ecologist with a strong interest in the conservation of native ecosystems, using scientific research to provide practical evidence-based solutions to effectively integrate conservation within agricultural landscapes
2:10 - 2:30 Riverine Restoration
Overview of river management issues (loss of biodiversity and vegetation, soil erosion, poor water quality etc), and practical ways to address these within sustainable farming systems. Case study using the Rivers of Carbon project and stock and waterways guide.
Lori Gould
Program Manager, Australian River Restoration Centre Lori Gould runs an environmental consulting business – GrassRoots Environmental and specialises in natural resource management, particularly riparian rehabilitation, landscape planning and community engagement. She is the Program Manager for the large-scale river restoration program ‘Rivers of Carbon’, a partnership with the Australian River Restoration Centre.
Lori is a PhD candidate, holds a Master’s Degree in Integrated Water Management, a Post Graduate Certificate in River Restoration and Management, an Environmental Science Degree and Associate Diploma in Animal Science. Lori is also a Fellow of the Peter Cullen Trust. |
11:50 - 12:10 Verifying ecosystem health for farm productivity and satisfying market demand
Various organisations are now stepping forward to support sustainable agriculture. In the past, great work has been done by volunteers and philanthropists in campaigns to protect important environmental assets. But the pace of improvement in ecosystems is not fast enough while it does not address the ecosystem health of agricultural production land.
In the face of global challenges, how can we engage all of the population to be active and move beyond sustainable, to a regenerative world? Land to Market Australia seeks to transform our food system and take robust information about the ecological health of our farmland into a place where businesses and consumers can support regeneration. Tony Hill
CEO Land to Market and Capital Consulting, Farmer Tony teaches Holistic Management in NSW and is an accredited professional with the Savory Institute. With a background in economics, policy making, regional development, ecology and biodiversity, he has worked for government and consulted on design applications for Cooperative Research Centres. Tony chairs the Australian Holistic Management Co-operative and is an accredited teacher of the NSW TAFE Holistic Management Diploma. He is the founder of the Land to Market Australia project incorporating Ecological Outcome Verification.
12:30 - 12:50 Climate opportunities for farmers in South-East NSW
Peter will discuss the challenges that climate change presents for farmers in SE NSW, as well as the myriad of opportunities that exist for farmers in taking climate action on farm and beyond. He will also discuss how agricultural leaders and rural Australians can work together to secure strong climate solutions from our leaders, particularly climate solutions which can benefit rural communities. He will also explain what Farmers for Climate Action does and the various ways we can support farmers
Peter Holding
Farmer and Community Outreach Officer at Farmers for Climate Action Peter is a third-generation farmer in Harden NSW, growing crops such as canola and wheat, as well as running sheep for wool. Peter is Farmers for Climate Action’s Community Outreach Officer, which involves working with farmers to enable them to take action to secure strong climate solutions. Peter is also a member of the Climate Kelpie – a central location for farmers after practical information and tools with which to manage climate change risk and impacts. Peter has an extensive knowledge and first hand experience with the strategies farmers can use to manage and adapt to climate change.
12:10 - 12:30 Soil Improvement Project with Multi-Species Pasture
Craig Hunt will talk about the motivation of his project to improve his soil by planting a multi-species in a paddock, comprising 12 separate plots and a control plot. Differing amounts of fertiliser have been used on each plot and the control has neither the two chosen biological agents or fertiliser on the other plots. Hannah has been investigating how to best measure the results, but in the knowledge that the principals are simple:- to reduce chemical inputs and; to increase the soil biology. Hannah will talk about plans to take the project to other farmers in the Landcare Group, as a foundation of making their farms more sustainable and ,in one case, to increase stocking numbers.
Craig Hunt
Farmer The Hunt family has been farming in Parkesbourne for over 150 years and at the moment there are two generations farming the land, Craig and two of his sons. The land, owned, by the family totals 600 acres. Craig is principally grazing prime lambs on his property. The soil on the trial plots is a sandy loam. The trial plot is a 2ha paddock that was most recently planted with a lucerne crop and prior to that a wheat crop. Both were used for fodder. Hannah McInerney Agronomist
Project Officer Landcare Goulburn Mulwaree Regen Grazing & Farming Group Hannah grew up on the family farm and qualified as an agronomist following a BSC at the ANU, majoring in Sustainability and Natural Resource Management. Hannah also has a diploma in Organic Farming. As well as working as an agronomist Hannah has worked on an Organic Farm and as a Volunteer on the ANU Sustainable Farms Project. Hannah is also currently working for Transport NSW as a Senior Environment and Sustainability Officer.
3.20 - 3.40 Helping Farmers on the Ground
Over the last 2 years South East Local Land Services (LLS) has been running ‘Soil testing and interpretation workshops’ throughout the Southern Tablelands. These workshops have been designed to help landholders gain a better understanding of how to obtain a robust soil sample and how to interpret the numbers on the results sheet from the laboratory. Using the successful “Five Easy Steps” course, producers have been able to develop a soil management program that is tailored to their soil type, environment and production goals. Over 300 properties have completed the course with close to 1700 samples submitted for testing. As part of this program, LLS staff have also played a key role in developing an Excel based tool for producers, enabling them to easily monitor soil fertility, pH and soil carbon changes over time at the paddock level. Matthew Lieschke (Senior Agriculture Advisor - Livestock) at SE Local Land Services Matt was raised on a wheat-sheep property in the Riverina NSW. Since graduating from Charles Sturt University with a Bachelor of Agriculture (Hons), Matt has worked in a number of roles in the public and private sector. Since joining Local Land Services in 2013, Matt has been involved in the development and delivery of a range of courses and extension programs covering grazing management, soil fertility, weaner performance and beef marketing. Over the past 6 years Matt has played a key role in establishing a soil moisture probe network throughout the Southern Tablelands and development of the online tool Farming Forecaster ( |
11:30 - 11:50 Rehydrating Australia
In this presentation, an outline of the Mulloon Institute will be followed by an explanation of landscape rehydration, along with examples from our demonstration farm – Mulloon Creek Natural Farms near Bungendore. A video will also be played demonstrating how water moves through a landscape, how modern farming techniques have altered this and how landscape rehydration techniques can assist its amelioration.
Nolani McColl
Landscape Planner and Science Administrator, Farmer, at The Mulloon Institute Nolani has 15 years’ experience in freshwater management, with a long career in Federal Government and with the Murray–Darling Basin Authority, and more recently with the Mulloon Institute. Nolani assists landholders in applying Landscape Rehydration practices by providing on-farm inspections and advice on landscape restoration with a focus on water. Nolani and husband Peter run a small property near Braidwood where they are producing fine mohair using regenerative practices, biodynamics and holistic management to improve farm productivity and biodiversity
1:50 - 2:10 Wondrous Wetlands - A Drought Resilience Strategy
The When, Why, How and Where of Wetland Grazing. Mapping, Protecting, Using and Monitoring Wetlands from a Grazing Viewpoint.
Keywords: Biodiversity, Carbon, Nutrition, Economics Julia McKay
Dairy Farmer, Research Catalyst, Environmental Policy Specialist For many years Julia was involved in various agricultural and environmental programs, many of which were ahead of their time. These included waste to energy, composting, the use of fly ash as a soil amendment, trading platforms for carbon and biodiversity credits, stewardship policy and research projects, including the "Wondrous Wetlands" topic of Julia's presentation at this Conference. Julia has been a regenerative farmer for more than 30 years - long before this farming system had a name. Now, regenerative agriculture is enjoying its "moment in the sun", backed by a realisation that resilience and adaptation to climate change is paramount. Julia's long suit is Natural Capital encompassing agricultural emissions reduction and carbon sequestration through best practice land use. My company, Growing@Goulburn is working with University of Canberra, Charles Sturt University, CSIRO and Government to develop tertiary training in Natural Capital to equip students and scholars with the tools required for the new, green economy. |
10:40 - 11:00 A Regenerative Journey
A 4th generation grazier from Goulburn NSW, Adam has been a driving force in his family's 285ha grazing operations transition from conventional to sustainable/regenerative practices. Adam's focus on plant health and high utilisation grazing has not only seen ecological function improve but also the creation of a highly productive soil carbon project under the Australian Government’s Emissions Reduction Fund.
Preliminary numbers indicate that some 11.5t of carbon dioxide equivalent /ha has been stored, which if verified will make for a significant extra income stream. So it pays to make the change Adam Rabjohns
Regenerative Farmer A 4th generation grazier from Goulburn NSW, Adam has been a driving force in his family's 285ha grazing operations transition from conventional to regenerative practices. Adam's focus on plant health and high utilisation grazing has not only seen ecological function improve but also the creation of a highly productive soil carbon project under the Australian Government’s Emissions Reduction Fund.
"Working Together to Support Sustainable/ Regenerative Farmers"
This is event will run alongside the conference on 16th September and will showcase sustainable and regenerative farming practices.
The theme "Working Together to Support Sustainable/Regenerative Farmers" is about the role of each of our exhibitors play in helping farmers achieve their sustainable and regenerative goals, either directly with the exhibitor or through their Landcare or similar support group.
The expo is an opportunity for farmers to talk to the experienced members of exhibitors’ staff about the services and products they provide.
Also find out the role of exhibitors in helping farmers effect carbon sequestration by, for example: improving their soil; the retention and improvement of native pastures; the maintenance of current biodiversity and; the planting of more. Information on carbon sequestration and their associated economic benefits can be found at:-, for many of the Local Government Areas in SE NSW. Naturally Landcare groups and community groups have key roles to play as well.
The theme "Working Together to Support Sustainable/Regenerative Farmers" is about the role of each of our exhibitors play in helping farmers achieve their sustainable and regenerative goals, either directly with the exhibitor or through their Landcare or similar support group.
The expo is an opportunity for farmers to talk to the experienced members of exhibitors’ staff about the services and products they provide.
Also find out the role of exhibitors in helping farmers effect carbon sequestration by, for example: improving their soil; the retention and improvement of native pastures; the maintenance of current biodiversity and; the planting of more. Information on carbon sequestration and their associated economic benefits can be found at:-, for many of the Local Government Areas in SE NSW. Naturally Landcare groups and community groups have key roles to play as well.
Take advantage of having so many leaders in sustainable and regenerative farming in one place!
Goulburn Workers Club Goulburn Soldiers Club REGENERATE EARTH Citizens Climate Lobby - Online Delivery of Conference (Partner) |
Best Farming Systems
Biological stimulants Nutrisoil Biological stimulants Nicola Fraser, Photographer (Volunteer) |
ANU Sustainable Farms Project Australian River Resource Centre – riverine restoration Communities Against Tarago Incinerator Divalls – Earthworks Farmers for Climate Action Gundaroo Regenerative Land Management Landcare Goulburn Mulwaree Regenerative Grazing and Farming Group Landcare Goulburn Mulwaree Grazing and Farming Group V7 leaflet Expo.docx Land To Market |
Local Land Services SE NSW NSW Farmers Goulburn and Upper La chlan Nutrisoil – biological stimulants Tablelands Farming Systems (TFS) Farming services The Mulloon Institute Landscape Restoration, TM Best Farming Systems Biological stimulants, Community Organisations The Goulburn Group Community Energy 4 Goulburn The Australian Conservation Foundation |
Join us for dinner!
The dinner is being rescheduled to a date tba. In the meantime all bookings will be refunded.
The conference and community dinner on Thursday from 7pm - late,15th September, is an opportunity to network with other like minded people in the community. There will be live music, speakers and enmtertainment, but no dancing due to current high risk of COVID.
A number of key community stakeholders will be invited to attend as well, especially those who have made a contribution to the sustainability of Goulburn-Mulwaree.
There will be some formal presentations on farming and community matters as well as some fun activities, including auctions, so come prepared to laugh and to air your wallets!
The dinner has a farming and Community Sustainability theme so in addition to formal wear, eg an evening gown or similar and a lounge suit, please wear an ornament or similar that represents something "earthy" or related to sustainability. (A blade from your old disc plough is a bit over the top!!)
Also if you are on an organised table, you can have a table theme with each person comprising part of the whole!
Prizes will be awarded for the best table theme and personal adornment!
NB do not bring your livestock please!
Pricing: $95 per head, includes a 3 course meal and drink.
Entertainment - Music, Speakers and Performers:-
DIanna Nixon Managing Director of Gunning-based Music Theatre Projects will provide a 15 minute talk and performance entitled “The Primary Producer - performing arts and the land”
see Music Theatre Projects is interested about rural themes, such as drought, and playing in rural settings, such shearing sheds. Sustainability is a key objective of all aspects of this not-for-profit company.
The conference and community dinner on Thursday from 7pm - late,15th September, is an opportunity to network with other like minded people in the community. There will be live music, speakers and enmtertainment, but no dancing due to current high risk of COVID.
A number of key community stakeholders will be invited to attend as well, especially those who have made a contribution to the sustainability of Goulburn-Mulwaree.
There will be some formal presentations on farming and community matters as well as some fun activities, including auctions, so come prepared to laugh and to air your wallets!
The dinner has a farming and Community Sustainability theme so in addition to formal wear, eg an evening gown or similar and a lounge suit, please wear an ornament or similar that represents something "earthy" or related to sustainability. (A blade from your old disc plough is a bit over the top!!)
Also if you are on an organised table, you can have a table theme with each person comprising part of the whole!
Prizes will be awarded for the best table theme and personal adornment!
NB do not bring your livestock please!
Pricing: $95 per head, includes a 3 course meal and drink.
Entertainment - Music, Speakers and Performers:-
DIanna Nixon Managing Director of Gunning-based Music Theatre Projects will provide a 15 minute talk and performance entitled “The Primary Producer - performing arts and the land”
see Music Theatre Projects is interested about rural themes, such as drought, and playing in rural settings, such shearing sheds. Sustainability is a key objective of all aspects of this not-for-profit company.