Projects Completed, Current And Planned
In Progress
- Wheeo Road - Sustainable Gardens and Houses phase 1 2015-2023
- Run-O-Waters - Sustainable Gardens and Houses, Resolution of Flooding 2021-2024. This was a joint venture with the property owners. See video of the: flooding-event; design of flood solution; solution in action #1; & #2.
- Goulburn Mulwaree - Regenerative Agriculture (Multi-species Crops) phase 1
- Sustainable/Regenerative Agriculture Conference 2022
In Progress
- Marys Mount Regneration Project - 22nd & 23rd September (book here) Planting of some 1,100 native plants behind Warrigal Retirement Village in a joint project initiated by Rotary and involving Lions, the Goulburn Mulwaree Council and Sustainable Goulburn Mulwareen. Rotary, Lions and SGM will cover the cost of the plants and protective covers. The GMC will plan the plantings, prepare the ground and provide mulch. It is planned to involve schol children in the planting. The planting dates are 22nd-23rd September. SGM will canvass for volunteers for the planting. It is planned that, over time, these plantings, will join up with existing plants along the River Walk and elsewhere, eg Coolowyn Road, as part of overall plans initiated by SGM for the whole local government area.
- Collowyn Rd/Uworra Cl (off Wheeo Road) - Sustainable Gardens and Houses with phase 2 starting up across the 20 acres - see Base-Line Survey, Landscape Design, water_flow_documentation_rev_b_01.pdf and Planting program for Uworra Close
- Regional Drought Resilience Program - this program is running across Goulburn Mulwaree and Wingecarribee Shires and in addition to the Goulburn Mulwaree Council, it includes Sustainable Goulburn Mulwaree, NSW Local Land Services, NSW Farmers, Landcare, Tableland Farming, Chamber of Commerce. More details soon.
- Marys Mount Cooling Project - Houses, Gardens, Streets and Driveways phase 1 planning phase
- Guided Tours of West Goulburn Bushland, Riverine Areas
- Guided Agri-Tours - May/June
- City Tours
- Run-O-Waters - Sustainable Gardens and Houses phase 2 start date TBA
- Cooling and Greening Our City with Goulburn Mulwaree Council - Eg Woolworth/Aldi Shopping Precint Parking Area
- Establishment of A CSH Information and Education Centre
- Establishment of A CSH Research Centre (Citizen Scientists)
- Community Sustainability Exhibition and Conference - November 2024