Hub Objectives
Further Hub Objectives
The Community Sustainability Hub Supports the Following Council, NSW Plans and Projects
(Under CV4H's building Hume's Future Together Program)
- To Help Drive the transition to a Sustainable Economy
- To address disadvantage in the community
- To generate revenue to support its operational activities including from the planned Sustainability Conference and Expo
- To mobilise the community support through Neighbourhood Action Groups (NAGs)
- To drive sustainability improvements leading to community regeneration
- To provide, either directly or indirectly, expertise in each of the One Planet Council Sustainability Framework categories
- To determine improvement priorities and targets
- To facilitate community input and reporting
- To find funding for the significant projects that are designed to be self-sustaining, eg community energy, renewable energy precincts
- To promote sustainability accreditation by local businesses to support Eco-tourism
- To liaise with other LGAs in SE NSW through the ZeroSE group, see
- To liaise with State and Federal Government projects, such as the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment's "Blueprint for a Resilient SE NSW"
- To support the expansion of community groups delivering sustainability activities, eg Community Gardens
- To organise training and examples of how to undertake sustainability initiatives such as making a sustainable garden
Further Hub Objectives
- improved social sustainability
- a climate resilient landscape, from bushfires and floods
- a circular economy connected across SE NSW that is able to capitalise on new sustainable opportunities
- to improve housing energy efficiency starting with the homes of Aged Pensioners
- To improve on our human capital and job opportunities for our youth
- to achieve carbon negative, in particular through carbon sequestration from better use of agricultural land
- to be sufficient in food and to be a supplier of clean/organic food of high nutritional value
- to be a leader in SE NSW in Regenerative Agriculture and associated education
- to have the best schools
- to be able to retain school leavers in the community by having suitable education opportunities and career paths
- to have a clean atmosphere and quiet streets together with cool public areas and private gardens
- to prepare its citizens for the impacts of climate and pandemics
- to have high quality soils that can hold significant levels of moisture and soil organic carbon
The Community Sustainability Hub Supports the Following Council, NSW Plans and Projects
(Under CV4H's building Hume's Future Together Program)
- Goulburn Mulwaree Community (and Regional) Strategic Plans 2042, see
- Goulburn Mulwaree Council's Social Sustainability Strategy and Action Plan 2020, see
- Goulburn Mulwaree Council's Climate Change Assessment and Adaptation Planning Report (March 2020) see
- NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment's Blueprint for a Resilient SE NSW
- Department of Regional NSW, see
- AdaptNSW Plans, see in particular the reports for SE NSW and the Tablelands:-
- Local Land Services - LLS NRM Framework 2021-2026 & LLS - South East NSW Natural Resource Management Plan
- Destination Southern (Tourism Destination Network) -
- G-M census profiles -
- Agtrack – NEW - AgTrack - Agricultural and Land Use Dashboard (
- Regional Development Australia Southern Inland (merging with 2 x other RDA locations to cover similar footprint to Canberra Region Joint Organisation, effective end of March 2024) -
- Regional Development Roadmap (Trust Fund & Advisory Council) -
- Circular Australia Taskforces 2023
- Home (
- Design Matters National Home
- House Energy Raters Association ? HERA ? NatHERS AAO
- Retrofit Australia - Climate-KIC Australia
- Cool your home efficiently | Sustainability Victoria
- Rivers of Carbon – Working with landholders to protect and restore Australian rivers
- Rivers of Carbon – Goulburn District River Linkages – Rivers of Carbon