Moving Marys Mount Towards Sustainability
Project Objectives For Building A More Sustainable and Liveable Marys Mount
- Protect the residents of Marys Mount from the increasing climate impacts, in particular heating and flooding
- More sustainable, affordable and low energy requirement housing that lower capital cost and running cost
- Housing development to take advantage of landscape resources to improve sustainability, eg bodies of water
- Encourages more social activity
- Grow our part of our local economy that conributes towards direct community directly and indirectly to community sustainability
- Build the reputation of Goulburn-Mulwaree as a "Sustainable Community to attract more investment in a sustainability
- Build on the good work of the Council in the provision of recreational areas and facilities
- Set aside areas for the use of our First Nations People
- Gain international recognition for the remedial work and new development at Marys Mount
Projects In progress in Marys Mount in Addition to Continued Development
- Regeneration of Council land behind Warrigal and over the creek (from there)
Remediation Projects:- (Building Gardens/Veggie Patches, Reducing Urban Heat, Energy Consumption and Bills)
- cool around the house, that will help cool the streets
- reduce the cost of building garden by reducing the effort trhough templates and working together
- assistance in building a vegetable patch
- reduce the cost of plants by entering into bulk arrangements with local retailers
- install water tanks
- cool the vacant Council land in middle of the extensive and the sparsely vegetated Marys Mount development by planting more. Preferably this would be to a “masterplan” that included provision for biodiversity as a fundamental part of new developments at MM, and indeed elsewhere.
Business Opportunities
- Sale of roof and wall insulation
- Sale of curtains and blinds
- Sale of double glazing
- Sale of water tanks to hold water from roofs, plus installation services
- Sale of plants for gardens
- Sale of vegetable seeds and seedlings
- Sale of garden ornamentation
- Landscape design and planting service eg Raina Emerson's garden templates and services to establish a veggie patch
- Garden maintenance
- Increased discretionary spending from above reduction in house and garden costs
Other Assistance
- It is anticipated that assistance will be available (a cost might be involved), from the organisation "Sustain" that is based in Victoria but is already working with a number of NSW Rural Councils, see
- Other relevant members of OSGM's Network partners.
- The householder to pay for the remediation work as they will receive the benefits, unless they qualify as in need, pilot excepted.
- Conduct pilot on a number of representative house in respect of size and building materials:-
- scope current emissions
- define emissions reduction program
Reduced household emissions and energy bills
- Emissions reduction
- Waste reduction
- Measure carbon emissions on 6 "average" houses - who pays is tba amd track emissions as the houeholds emissions reduction project rolls out.
- house with lowest carbon emissions
- house with most reduced carbon emissions
- house with most reduced rubbish
- most sustainable garden
- most productive vegetable patch
- ABC Gardening Show
- Get Craig Rechaussel involved to document the project progress
- Goulburn Post
- Website
- Face Book
Funding (more work required to produce some figures)
- Dept Regional NSW (they funded Bega's information and education centre) Moight get funding for start up costs.
- Sale of compost from the Johnson-Su bioreactor
- Eco/Agri tours
- Commission from the sale of Raina's garden templates
- Fees from businesses signed-up to Our Sustainable Goulburn Mulwaree
- Sale of house thermal assessment services
- Sale of membership of OSGM as that will entitle members to a higher discount on the purchase of goods and services
- Other that I know are there but have forgotten!!