LGE Conference Presentations & ReportsProjects Current & Completed
Completed Projects
- Marys Mount Planting (Creek Regeneration) Project
- intial planting report
- second planting report
- Ongoing Photopoint Monitoring Reports:-
- Decemeber 2024Comprehensive mulching has many benefits. For more information see:- https://www.precisiontreemn.com/tips/the-benefits-of-putting-mulch-around-your-trees.html.
- Comprehensive Mulching has been completed on the Warrigal side of the plantings, a significant task!
- Mega Mulch II Saturday 22nd February 8-10.30 meeting at car park off Quiberon Way and heading over the bridge to an area behind Green Valley Road. Bring a spade and a wheelbarrow or buckets with you. Details of the event are here:- www.facebook.com/groups/790444326065854/events
- Urban Landscape Development Streets, Gardens and Nature Strips
- Coolowyn Rd/Uworra Cl (off Wheeo Road)
- Base-Line Survey of 20 acres
- Landscape Design
- Water Flow Report
- Planting Program For Uworra Close - phase 2 is in progress with the planting of trees planted along Uworra Close and the planting of an area of nature strip at the bottom of the drive to number14. The planting is based on Rain Emerson's landscape plan but with some variation, such as comprehensive mulching, to sequester as much carbon as possible and promote the connection of roots as per the Wood-Wide Web. An application of the organic liquid fertiliser Food2Soil is one of the nexts steps across one half of the planting to area to help measure its effectiveness.
- Updates on the above will be published on this web site and on SGM's Fb page. https://www.facebook.com/groups/790444326065854,
- Coolowyn Rd/Uworra Cl (off Wheeo Road)
- Johnson-Su Bioreactor
- The Bioreactor produces particularly powerful compost at a minimal cost. The compost works best in soil that is free of chemicals, i.e, in an organic state and is proven to significantly increase the amount of carbon in the soil. Information on the bioreactor: how it works and a list of various build methods can be found here:- Johnson-Su Bioreactor Operation & Build Case Studies.
- A project has commenced to build a domestic-sized bioreactor
- Under investigation is the delivery of a workshop on building a Bioreactor.
- Marys Mount Cooling Project
- Phase tree planting project is completed, mulching excepted, which is still in progress
- Phase 2 pilot, in the urban area has commenced and is designed:-
- to cool houses, streets and driveways
- to develop gardens, including vegetable patches.
- delivery organisations include:
- community groups
- commercial enterprises
- TBC the Goulburn Mulwaree Council
- A key commercial partner is:- Raina Emerson Landscape Designs, a member of Sustainable Goulburn Mulwaree network.
- "Sustainable Gardens" groups in Marys Mount
- For more information see:- Sustainable Marys Mount
- Goulburn Mulwaree Riverine Restoration - This is a significant project by Water NSW that is being run by The Mulloon Institute which will deliver funding for landscape rehydration, regeneration projects and community capacity building projects. This program is to be rolled-out across Sydney Water Catchment areas, including in the Goulburn region. More information is scheduled to be available in February.
- Regional Drought Resilience Program - this program is the responsibility of Sustainable Goulburn Mulwaree reporting to the Goulburn Mulwaree Council , comprises:-
- Goulburn Mulwaree Council
- NSW Local Land Services
- NSW Farmers
- Landcare
- Tableland Farming
- SGM's work is all about flood and drought mitigation
- Introduction of Standard for the Circular Economy - ISO5904-2024
- This project is being run by Leonie Martin of SustainableLedge that helps companies thrive by integrating financial growth with environmental responsibility. Links to more information that includes sustainability tips can be found below. A training course is planned.
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/leonie-j-martin-cpa/
Completed Projects
- Wheeo Road - Sustainable Gardens and Houses phase 1 2015-2023
- Run-O-Waters - Sustainable Gardens and Houses, Resolution of Flooding 2021-2024. This was a joint venture with the property owners. See video of the: flooding-event; design of flood solution; solution in action #1; & #2.
- Establishment of the Landcare Goulburn Mulwaree Regenerative Agriculture Group
- Sustainable/Regenerative Agriculture Conference 2022. See presentations and the report on the conference here;